After Millington, we headed to Little Rock, AR to visit friends of Dads. He met Mr. Eddie at the basic course and then he and mom met them both while living in MO, before any of us kids were born. So, like a lot of our "friends", I had never met them. We always end up having a great time though, and this was no exception. We planned on staying the weekend but thanks to the snow, we had to stay an extra day. The kids had
two snow days, so they were home the whole time. They have two girls about J and my ages and a son around Kik's age. Their dog Sienna kept Konig company and I think Koney missed her once we left. I'll give you the highlights of our weekend:
~Eddie teaching Zach guitar
~Amanda straightening mom's hair with a flat iron. She's almost unrecognizable!
~Playing in the snow
~Eddie teaching Zach guitar
~The girls: Amanda, Pooh, Natalie and I tie-dying t-shirts
~The boys: The BFG ,Jonny and Kik playing Nerf guns and video games
~The moms talking and exchanging recipes
~The dads exercising and walking the dogs
~Watching the Super Bowl (Hooray for the Saints!)
~Amanda straightening mom's hair with a flat iron. She's almost unrecognizable!
~Kik riding Mr. Eddie's bike trainer
Since I happen to be part of the "girls group", I'm more savvy on what we did.
This consisted of playing apples to apples, doing crafts after a trip to Hobby Lobby, playing with the dogs, watching movies and learning cool card tricks.
After the dads had checked the roads to make sure they were safe to drive on, we said our goodbyes and headed south. We drove through Louisiana just to say we had been there, just not too close to New Orleans. (that would have been a mad house!)
We had a great visit and it was awesome seeing some more snow, you gotta love it!