Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Editorial Comment

Hello Everyone, we've noticed some issues over the past few weeks and I have looked into a few of those.

First, regarding commenting on our posts. I believe the best way to comment would be to do so under Anonymous. This should work under any circumstances as opposed to Name/URL which I don't think works under select email addresses. If you would like to sign your name at the end of your posts please do so.

Second, we have been out of cell phone service for the last few days. If you have been trying to call or text us during that time, we are sorry for not responding and will try to return your calls once we return to civilization.

Third, some of you have used our names in your comments. I would like to ask you to please refrain from doing so as to keep mom from getting to antsy about our family protection. You may use our "code" names as much as you wish.

Let us know if some of you are still having problems with commenting,



  1. hi all, I just want to say how much we are enjoying your blog. I am amazed at the fine writings by the children, I am reading and I think, mom is writing and it ends with one of the kids. You are all doing fantastic. Thanks for keeping us updated on all your activities. Deb

  2. Is no-calves-having dingbat code enough???

  3. Unkey Wanny isn't allowed to make disparaging comments anymore...
